
I offer the best in therapeutic massage. I rarely do relaxation massage. I can recommend some great therapists in the community that provide that service. Wait time to get in for massage can be up to two months. Believe me, if you have chronic muscle issues, it's worth the wait. I also provide integrated therapies designed to assist you in becoming your best self.

Please Note

Due to unfortunate circumstances I will no longer be taking unknown clients for massage therapy without a doctor’s note. Thank you for understanding.

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Book your massage with Salt Therapy for a refreshing experience!

“She really got in there! I wan’t able to fall asleep even once!”

-Happy Client

“My appointment was amazing! You understood my pain and proceeded accordingly without fluff and needless conversation. After my appointment I fully hydrated myself and then fell asleep for two hours! I am feeling alot of relief and look forward to my next appointment.”

-Happy Client


Therapeutic Massage

Different from a relaxing massage, this method involves manipulating the muscles and fascia by rubbing, kneading and pressure to help encourage release. Other common tools used to alleviate tissue issues in therapeutic massage are Trigger Point Therapy

This is a form of manual therapy that focuses on detecting and releasing trigger points located in skeletal muscle. Trigger points produce pain when compressed. In many cases, trigger points form as a result of trauma to the muscle fibers. This is also referred to as myofascial trigger point therapy or neuromuscular therapy. a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Heat Therapy

Using clay packs heated in water inside a hydrocollator, they are placed on the body to reduce muscle tension, prepare the body for deeper work and to help reduce pain and stress.



This is done by placing plastic cups on the body which are then suctioned down with a suction device. Cups assist in releasing fascia, promote circulation and also alert white blood cells to go to that area of the body to clean up debris. Sometimes red circles appear on the skin after a session of cupping. These circles can take a few days to go away after a treatment.

Active Release Technique (ART)

This is a method that focuses on relieving tissue tension via the removal of fibrosis/adhesions on the body and joints usually as a result of overload due to repetitive use. These issues may lead to muscle weakness, aching, numbness, tingling and burning sensations.


Foot Massage

Using Cranio Reflexology techniques, this massage focuses only on the feet and lower leg. Sometimes all you need is a good foot rub!



This is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the client by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the clients body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Stressed Out?

Add Guided Meditation To Your Massage.

“Kerry has a real gift for how to work out and/or increase mobility.   She continually upgrades techniques to help her clients.  I love adding the salt room to a massage to clean out the sinuses.  She has a great sense of humor and a desire to help people.  Her 2 little sidekicks are pretty cute too.”


Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.