I want you to get the

care you deserve.

I’m living a fulfilled and pain free lifestyle!

But it wasn’t always that way...

Since age four, I have suffered with burning muscles, pain from head-to-toe, lethargy, terrible brain fog and constant depression.

My childhood was full of stress and isolation. My home was full of toxic behaviors, and I constantly felt unworthy.

I cried often, always felt like I was the problem, and couldn’t stand up for myself. As a teenager, I experienced anxiety and depression.


At the age of 21, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and lupus. My doctor told me there was nothing the medical system could do and I would just have to deal with it forever. My family dismissed the diagnosis and because of that, so did I.

So I tried to forget about it. To manage the pain, I took pain killers. The anxiety and depression continued for years. And I lived a life of coping; putting on a brave face to the world but secretly suffering behind closed doors.

After years of struggle, I almost couldn’t take it anymore. A friend referred me to hypnotherapy and energy work and that’s when I finally found a solution to relieve my pain and clear my brain. I was finally able to stand up for myself! My energy improved dramatically and I could participate in fun activities without suffering the next day. I finally felt in control of my body and my mind’s well being for the first time ever!!

I continue to learn new things in order to give people the best care possible. I hope we get to connect soon.



Athletic Therapist

Candace Baker CAT(C)  


Massage Therapist Referrals

Heather Lawrence 780-542-0749

Pam Walker    780-298-9305

Harlie Lawrence   780-514-8650

Lana O'Carroll  780-898-2150

Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Heather Choy    780-898-7202 


Julie Pequin      780-621-2762


Tanya Hunt 780-621-1666



Organic Solutions

 Rickie Bazar         780-898-6466

Your truly organic bath, body, home, and health products

Awaken Wholistic Therapies

Cindy Lang       780-514-5435

Reiki, past life regression, tarot, oracle cards, weekly live sessions